Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter 2013

Hello to everyone! As you know in some our comments to the blogs we've visited, Piappies Mom was in search for bunny ears for Easter and she did try to find one. Unfortunately (well, good news to us) she was not very lucky BUT (waaah for us...) she managed to find this terrible head gear...

This time, instead of choose just one of us to wear to for our Easter greeting post, she got ALL of us to wear it and face the flashy box! Arrrrgh...

So thankful to some of our furry pals who have taught us the art of making it a challenge to get a good shot, we all did our best...

Princess - just one shot or she would have ripped it into pieces 

Frappie - surprisingly he seemed to think it was ok, did you really, Frappie?!

Sugar - he used the art of walking away

Mocha - there was not a time that she wore the head gear for more than 2 seconds!

Forgie - she's so shy but Piappies Mom did get her to agree for a moment to wear it

Wai-Pai - our usual Piappie model really gave Piappies Mom a hard time with this one

Wai-Max - he came out to be THE surprise model! He really enjoyed this Easter thing. We were all wondering if he was promised lots of treats after this flashy box moment... Hmmmm... Wai-Max...

And of course here's ME, Fudgie,... Hmmm... Mom, I definitely would like my ears back... please?!

Wai-Pai did cooperate with the flashy box so long as she got the head gear where she'd prefer it to be.

Wai-Pai: Mom, where in the world did you find this? What?! You can actually buy this?!

That's a lot better, here's my winning smile, Mom! 

Happy Easter to Everyone!!!

Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Max, Wai-Pai & Forgie

Friday, March 15, 2013

Pip and Puddles Appreciation Day

It's the day for the bloggie world to celebrate Pip and Puddles Appreciation Day!!!

Puddles and Pip

It's me, Frappie to tell you guys how much we love Pip and Puddles. They have made our blog life more colorful, more fun, more exciting and best of all more meaningful. Ever since the Piappies started this blog, Pip and Puddles welcomed us with open paws. We share adventures and they have introduced us to many of our pals too. 

It's time that we tell them how much we love them and we are happy to be part of this.  And being a good pup, I share with them my treats for today.


Do drop by the blogs of Pip and Puddles to greet them or just say hello.

We share with you a photo we did for the Pip and Puddles Bucket List World Tour. The link to this post if you missed it is here.

 Piappies with Pip and Puddles

Hooray for King Pip and Queen Puddles!!! Get the details of today's celebrations at Dachies with Moxie now. Don't be left behind!

Have a great weekend everyone!



Thursday, March 14, 2013

Happy 3rd Barkday Wai-Pups!

Happy Thursday everybody! You guys read it right, the Wai-Pups --- Wai-Max and Wai-Pai are 3-years old... not today (Waaaah) but yesterday, 13 March.

Wai-Max                                 Wai-Pai

Yup, Piappies Mom missed to post this yesterday but she did make up for it by preparing us and the rest of the Piappies super yummy treats for dinner --- steak and grilled chicken!  

Have happy treats today and celebrate our barkday with us.

Love, Wai-Max and Wai-Pai

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Relaxing Sunday Piappies

Hello every furry pals! How have you been doing this weekend? We'd like to share some photos that Piappies Mom took of us today. She's been trying all day to catch us do some of our zoom zoomies but we always beat the flashy box with our speed. BOL She always ends us with photos of lots of fluffy tails and blurs.

The best she could do is let us settle down and relax, zzzzz away and these are the ones we share with all of you...

Fudgie looking for his new toy as always

Princess disturbed from her naptime

Wai-Pai, Frappie & Sugar chatting after zoomies

Forgie cleaning her paws away

Mocha got startled by the flashy box

Wai-Max, always zzzzing away

How did you guys spend the weekend? Have a great time from the Piappies

Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Max, Wai-Pai & Forgie

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Run Free Remington... Thank You

Thank you Remington for sharing with us your life and adventures. You were one of the sweetest and most gentle furry pal and we cherish your friendship. We will always remember how you have made us smile and laugh with your posts. Through you, we have cheered for the Vikings, too. 

To our furry pals who would want to drop by Remington's blog, here is the link - The Life and Times of Remington

Remington Steal My Heart
January 9, 2009 - March 4, 2013

We will always remember you with fondness and happy memories, Remington. Run free our dear friend. You truly stole our hearts.

We send lots of love to Mike and Beth, Mr. Ripley and Dudley.

Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Max, Wai-Pai & Forgie


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