Hello there furry friends! Wai-Max here. Special greetings to Toby of SA who was looking for me in our previous post. Got something special to share with all of you. Last Friday was Piappies Mama's (our Grandmom) barkday! And you all know that barkdays = TREATS! Weeeeeee
We are really grateful that she took our Mom Princess in. If it was not for her we would not be around. She always looks after us when ever Piappies Mom is out working, makes us really yummy treats, buys us squeakies and stuffies, but most importantly she showers us with her love. We love you Piappies Mama!
Silly Mom was too busy enjoying the barkday treats --- Spanish dinner --- Jamon Serrano, Quezo de Bola, Paella Valenciana, Lengua Sevillana, Callos a la Madrilena (we were only able to get our paws on the Quezo!) --- that the flashy box was not able to chronicle how much we loved the cheese AND the yummy strawberry shortcake! Believe me, it was yummy! We had a great celebration.

Now, you guys know that Piappies Mom love to give us a bath as part of celebrations so this was not any different! Waaaaaah We took turns and since she had to help prepare for the dinner, she did not have much time to dry my wonderful fur so I took matters into my hands and zoom zoomied away to dry my fur!

Viola! Got the "Roll Roll Fur Look"
And mind you, this time, she got the time for flashy box moments. Arrrrrgh!
Yup, my furs are sticking out in every direction! Hmmm... I feel like someWai is giggling behind me!

When she realized that I was not very happy with my fur style, she made it up by giving extra treats!

Extra treats always does the trick! So everything is happy here. Would you guys believe it if I tell you that I'm actually looking forward to the next bath time? Perhaps my furs would cooperate then. For now, I'm just thinking that its windy here. That is our little secret, alright?!
Important PS from Piappies Mom:
The Piappies are joining the 2nd Annual Worldwide Moment happening at exactly 11pm (23:00) GMT on Sunday, 14 Nov. It is actually 7am (07:00), 15 Nov here in the Philippines.
It is a very timely event for we have our paws crossed for some for our furry friends going through rough times and we want to offer our special intentions in the Worldwide Moment to each one of them.
We invite you to take part in this as well. Please check out Jake and Fergi of Two Special Wires for more information. We believe in the Power of Paws and we know that the more together we are the stronger we become.