Sunday, August 23, 2009

Halloween 08 Parade

Hmmm... parade turned out to be a mob though. Uh oh....
Bullet and Scrappy thinking of that many treats they were going to get. Weeeeeee
Mommy kept telling Fudgie that he's looks handsome with his tuxedo but perhaps he wanted a more fun costume...
As for me, Mommy said I got a witch outfit, but I really felt more of a pumpkin that day.

Halloween '08 was a special event for us piappies. Mama brought home outfits for us and we had a parade here at home! Treats or treats time!!!

Do you have any Halloween photos to share?


  1. We loved seeing your pics - although we agree you did look a bit like a pumpkin! We loved the tuxedo and alos the little devil costumes!
    So far neither Bailey or me want to dress up but our mum thinks it would be fun!!!
    Martha & Bailey xx


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