We're back!!! Woohoo! It's me, Forgie! Hello to all our bloggie pals all around the world. Allow us to pick up where we left off... We're going to tell you all about our Magic Bag Adventure and since Wai-Pai is older than me, I turn over the typing to her...
Greetings to everyone! We hope to are all doing great. Sometime ago, (it'll be too embarrassing if I specify when as this is a long overdue post! Grrr.... Piappies Mom!) Piappies Mom took out the Magic Bag and brought us to a fun adventure. You see, she has been trying to stay fit and she had this bright idea to make us take part in her physical fitness program. She signed me and Forgie up for a Doggie Run!
Oh, yeah, we had our own race kits! We had warm baths the night before and at 4:30am, we were both in the Magic Bag! In minutes we were transported to this place known as SM Mall of Asia and we were in the company of so many doggie pals!
Piappies Mom got Piappies Mama and Piappies Niece (we call her Sister though) to join and they were so excited for us! Before we could make friends, we were all ushered to the Start Line and then, we heard the whistle and off we went! Piappies Sister was with me and Piappies Mom was with Forgie.
At first we were a bit confused, we were wondering if we were in giant playground and we were there to do zoom zoomies with all the other pups!
Forgie: Oh wow! The sun shining so bright! Are we near the finish line yet?
Of course, the flashy box was at hand so some shots were taken. Forgive us for some blurry shots Forgie kept tugging on her leash so we could continue with the race. It's funny because during Forgie previous Magic Bag adventures (she got a chance to practice for this race, you see) she hardly ran!
When we finally reached the finish line, we were greeted by Piappies Mama. She was really so proud of us and we were happy to see that.
Forgie: Hmmm... I wonder if we can bring home these treats?!
We then got the chance to go around the booths and check out all the yummy treats and cool stuff we were able to take home. We of course shared them with the rest of our pack.
Wai-Pai: Hey guys, meet Maxie! He's our pal and he can really run!
We also met our friend Maxie! He and his Mom also join Doggie Races and THEY can really RUN. We also saw a few who remind us so much of our friends here in bloggie land. Check them out:This fellow finished FIRST in the 5k category! Cool, huh?
He sure reminds us of Dave or Thunder or one of The Herd!
Princess Eva, is this Uncle Mika?!
Toby! Is that you?!

Oh wow! Isn't the pup in Hachiko the movie?!
We were so happy to see so many familiar pups!!!

Meet our new friends, too bad they don't have a blog though.
Wai-Pai: We also found another Doggie statue!
Here are the others we found in case you've missed them.
Oh wow! Isn't the pup in Hachiko the movie?!
We were so happy to see so many familiar pups!!!
Meet our new friends, too bad they don't have a blog though.

Here are the others we found in case you've missed them.
We were rewarded with yummy treats after and we really had a great time! Of course, you'd be able to guess what we did as soon as we got home...
Wai-Pai: It's tough to be sporty, huh, Forgie!
Forgie: We did great today, Wai-Pai! Thanks for looking after me.
Of course, we cannot let this post be up without greeting every Dad in bloggie land....Just like our Fudgie Bear, we are sure that all your Dads always shower you with lots of love and watches over you all the time.
Also, we here in the Philippines is celebrating the 150th birthday of our National Hero, Jose Rizal! We are celebrating this with a long weekend and that means lots of zoom zoomies here!
What about you furry friends? How have you been? We've missed you so much and we will hop over to your blogs to say hello! We hope you are all having a great weekend!