Hello to all our furry friends, it's me Wai-Pai! Piappies Mom always keeps us groomed and smelling fresh. One Saturday, she took us out and treated me and Wai-Max to a day of spa-mpering! How cool is that?! But before we talk about our spa-mpering day, we got something to share...
Piappies Mom has found another reason why she has been busy these days aside from w-o-r-k... Hmmmm...
Last week, Piappies Mom was chatting with one of her friends, I heard them talk about a new product --- Proactiv Solutions that is now available here in the Philippines. She was then led to a this really cool game on Facebook that got her playing and not work on our blog updates! It's the Proactiv Works! facebook game.

As she checked the website, she discovered that perhaps the product is worth a try. You see Piappies Mom has constantly stayed away from facial stuff. She says it is best to just stick with the basics. There are so many choices available and having one too many ointments, toners, scrubs, wash can be so confusing! Even with us, she only sticks with a gentle soap and shampoo when we have B-A-T-H days. She learned that Proactiv has an easy step guide to keep your face clear and fresh with not much hassle!

If you want to get a chance to win an iPAd, just order the Proactiv Solution kit online anytime from 15 Aug until 15 Oct 2010. The raffle proper is on 11 Nov!
Do you guys join online promos there? Do your pawrents also get addicted to games?!
Since it is to be a wordless wednesday post, here is a preview of our fun spam-mpering day!!! We are so excited to tell you all about it! Weeeeeee